Monday, April 28, 2008

Water fun

It has been warm these last few days so I have been trying to keep the boys cool. Jake had his first encounter with the sprinkler and loved it , he would stick his hand in the water then bring it to his mouth , he was trying to drink the water. Sam wouldn't get in the sprinkler because he would get wet! But he does enjoy playing with the hose and had his wagon filled to the top with water.

Reading and Eatting

Sam enjoys reading and one day found a book he hadn't seen in a long time so he couldn't let it go so he was eating and reading . He gets it from his Grandma.


This is what happens when I leave the house. I came home from the gym to find my baby stuck under the entertainment center. Of course being the good mom that I am I grabbed the camera and took pictures.

From Baby to Boy!

Jake had his first hair cut the other day he was fairly good except for when the lady went to cut the left side of his head he would push her hand away. Now my baby no longer looks like a baby he looks like a little boy. I'm so sad!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gibson Ranch

Brian recently had spring break . So we took the Boys to Gibson Ranch. They really enjoyed it , the got to feed the ducks , pet a goat and a horse , see a very ugly turkey, and play at the play ground. We really enjoy the time we get to spend playing with them.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fmily pcitures

We had our family pictures taken. Finale! all I have to say with two boys I don't know if its worth it. Sam would not look at the camera and Jake just wanted to get down and run. Despite the challenge we got a few good pictures and a few funny ones to.

Jacob's first birthday pictures

What an adorable baby! These are just a few pictures of Jacob , he is getting so big .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jacob's 1st Birthday!

Jacob has turned 1. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He is such a happy baby , he does what ever he can to make people laugh. Some of his favorite this to do are play ball , play chase , play with his big brother , and eat , he loves to eat. He is such a sweet baby and gives the best loves. We are so blessed he is a part of our family.