Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pretty Jake

So on one of the many Easter egg hunts the boys had this year Jake got an egg with some clip on earrings in it. I think he looks cute.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Jack is stuck.

What kind of mom would I be if I saved my son when he got stuck instead of getting getting the camera to snap a few pictures.

Family politacal rally's

When we rally politically we do it as a family. The first was for yes on 8. Now we rally against higher Taxes. We should not be paying for other peoples mistakes with our hard eared dollars. I took my boys my Mom , Adam , Jamie , Jaxson , and my Grandparents came. Adam and I made the press tribune. Adam was quoted and both of our signs made the paper. Quote " The held banners with slogans like " Stop wasting the money we gave you." and " You're taxing my futuer away." Quote " " I'm just feed up with taxes ; the sales tax just went up" said Adam Nash 17

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Had a Really Good Day!

2 trains came to town for Roseville's 100Th Birthday. Brian took Sam and Jake took look at them Saturday morning but they couldn't get close to them until latter that day. So Sam's Papa came to pick him up and took him to the train tracks where he got to ride a little train , drive a train simulator , look inside the steam train. He also got a balloon Dinosaur and a regular balloon ,Papa also bought him a snow cone which he loved. On the way home he told his Papa he had a really good day. Thank you to Papa for taking Sam to see the trains.