Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Day at the Beach.

Brian and Sam start school next week so we decided to go on one last family trip. We took the kids to Bodega bay for the day. They loved playing in the sand and splashing in the waves. Well Brian and Sam liked splashing in the waves , Jake did until a wave knocked him down .Jake spent his time throwing and rolling around in the sand then rummaging through the ice chest which he got all sandy.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Monkey or Baby?

I am starting to wonder whether or not Jake is actually a baby or if he is really a monkey. His latest climbing adventure is climbing in his own high chair and buckling him self in , then yelling " stuck , stuck! " He is a fun baby!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hot August Nights.

Brian and I went up to Hot August Nights this past weekend and had a blast. Here are just a few pics mostly of cars nether one of us would let the other take their picture.Yes the giant radio flyer is a car! Made from a 1929 ford.