Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Never leave out the markers.

The boys were playing army and thought they would use markers to make dirt and blood on there faces because that how soldiers look.

Sam at 6!

My very handsome man!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The things you see when you look outside!

The other day the boys were playing in the backyard, they were suppose to be staying on the side of the house were the sprinkler wasn't going because it was only 62 degrees outside and I didn't want the to get cold. Do you think they did? No! When I looked into the backyard I saw a tent with four little feet coming out of the bottom inching its way toward the moving sprinkler. I had to get a picture! Needless to say both boys were very cold when they were done.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who needs to wait for summer?

What started out as me cleaning off the front porch turned into a water fight where the boy' and yes I got SOAKED. I thought they were done playing in the water for the day but I came home to find the boys had convinced Daddy to fill up the pool the spent a good hour playing, they would have stayed in longer but we has to leave.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Surgery day for Jake

Jake had his tubes put in and his adenoids out today. He was so good! Even when he went back for the surgery they said he was very good no tears at all. He did cry when he was done because of the I.V. in his hand which he did not like. Now we are home and he is watching the new Thomas the Tank movie grandma bought him.

Friday, April 9, 2010

My first black eye

You would think with as wild a Jake can be he would of had a black eye all ready but no this is his first. Yesterday we went to my Mom's house and first thing Jake did when we walked in was start to spin around the living room well while spinning he tripped and landed on the corner of a toy. Evil toy's !

Friday, April 2, 2010